
Showing posts from 2015

UPSC/CSE IAS / IFoS 2015-16 Mathematics(Optional) FREE WORKSHOP

FREE WORKSHOP on 27th Nov.2015 IAS / IFoS 2015-16 Mathematics(Optional) New Batch Begins in Delhi and Hyderabad:  at 10:00 AM in Mukherjee Nagar,  at 2:30PM & 5:30PM in Rajinder Nagar at 5:30PM in Ashok Nagar(Hyderabad) 

FREE WORKSHOP IAS / IFoS 2015-16 Mathematics-Optional New Batch Begins

FREE WORKSHOP IAS / IFoS 2015-16 Mathematics(Optional) New Batch Begins :  on 8th Nov, 2015 at 7:30 AM at Mukherjee Nagar, at 2:30 PM at Rajinder Nagar

UPSC / IAS / IFoS Mathematics Optional 2015 New Batch Begins

IAS/IFoS Mathematics Optional New Batch Begins Starting from 10th Sep.2015 at 2:30 pm

IAS / IFoS Mathematics Optional New Batch Begins In Delhi & Hyderabad

New Batch Begins on 17th & 27th August,2015 IMS(Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

IMS(Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

IMS(Institute of Mathematical Sciences) Mathematics (Optional) By K. Venkanna(15 yrs. Teach. Exp.)

IMS(Institute of Mathematical an Sceince) Our Toppers Marks

IMS(Institute of Mathematical an Sceince) Our Toppers Marks Civil Service Examination 2014

Batch Begins For IAS Mathematics Optional

Mathematics (Optional) Batch Begins On 14th July 2015 At Mukherjee Nagar & Old Rajender Nagar IMS(Institute of Mathematical And Sciences)


IMS MATHEMATICS by K.Venkanna FREE WORKSHOP ON How To Prepara IAS Exam with Maths As An Optional On: 1st July 3pm At HYDERABAD  

IMS Mathematics Batches Begins On 23rd of June

In Delhi And Hyderabad 1). Now IAS & IFoS are joined together. 2). In the new pattern of exam, the average marks of successful candidates in maths is more than 200      (around 70-80 marks more than other optional). 3). Consider Mathematics as reliable optional subject in IAS/IFoS. 4). Only IMS provides Scientific & innovative teaching Methodologies. 5). Fully REVISED STUDY MATERIAL AND FULLY REVISED TEST SERIES. FOR MORE DETAIL:  CLICK HERE

UPSC/IAS Mathematics Question Paper Solution

UPSC/IAS Mathematics Question Paper Solution Of Paper-I UPSC/IAS Mathematics Question Paper Solution Of Paper-II

UPSC-IAS Main 2014 Mathematics Paper-I Solution:

IMS Institute Of Mathematical Science UPSC IAS Main 2014 Mathematics Paper -1 Solutions: CLICK FOR DOWNLOAD

IAS/IFoS Mathematics Optional New Batch Begins.

Regular Batches Begins 9th June 2015 Weekend Batches 4th July 2015 For More Detail : CLICK HERE  

IAS/IFoS Mathematics Optional New Batch Begins with trial class in Delhi & Hyderabad

IAS/IFoS Mathematics Optional New Batch Begins with Trial Classes in Delhi & Hyderabad 

Amazing Results in IAS Mains-2014 Mathematics(Optional)

Amazing Results in IAS Mains-2014 Mathematics(Optional)

IFoS 2014 Successful Students
